About Eastern Yacht Club
Serving the Chesapeake Bay since 1956
The Eastern Yacht Club, Inc (EYC) was formed on September 25, 1956 by a group of individuals with a common interest in boating
Our Mission
To promote high standards of boating; to promote the science and practice of good navigation, seamanship, and safety afloat; To render aid and mutual assistance to and between members; to foster all sports related to boating as well as social activities appropriate to yachting; to provide a suitable clubhouse and an anchorage for the use and recreation of the members and to be “The Friendliest Yacht Club on the Bay.”
Around EYC
EYC Officers

Commodore Carolyn Creamer
Vice Commodore Brian O'Neill

Rear Commodore Todd Bates

Fleet Captain Sharon Winterling

Secretary Pat Lange
Treasurer Tom LeCompte
Secretary | PC Pat Lange | 410-746-8801 | patlange_17@yahoo.com |
Booking Agent | Genine Bowles | 443-986-6874 | EYCbookingagent@gmail.com |
Bar Manager | Jerry Morgan | 410-804-8949 | jmorgan89@aol.com |
Membership | Emilee Wheeler | 443-299-8254 | emileewheeler7@gmail.com |
Gulls President | Rose Lange | 410-428-3420 | tastebudrose@yahoo.com |
Sick and Welfare | Mary Herster | 410-382-6533 | mherster315@gmail.com |
EYC Dockmaster | Dan Bentzen | 443-425-0093 | greaterbaymd@gmail.com |
Breeze Editor | P/C Robin Bowles | 443-889-7374 | spunky508@live.com |
EYC Webmaster | Pat Lange | 410-746-8801 | patlange_17@yahoo.com |
Our History
Over the Years
The Eastern Yacht Club, Inc (EYC) was formed on September 25, 1956 by a group of individuals with a common interest in boating. In the beginning years the meetings were held in an old building on Nanticoke road. That old building is now the home of the Riverwatch restaurant. The annual dues at that time were $12 per year.
By January 1957 the club had grown to 40 members and in March of 1958 Eastern Yacht Club was registered in “Lloyds Registry of Yacht Clubs”. Also in March of 1958 the club began holding it’s meetings at Riley’s Yacht Inn. At the time of the move the club had 60 members and assets of $415.
A Permanent Home
By 1960 the membership had reached 70 with assets of $2000. Also, 1960 was the first year that EYC held it’s Commodore’s Ball which was held at Bowley’s Quarters Fire Hall. In 1961 the membership decided that it was time to establish a permanent home. An intensive search for property was undertaken.
In 1962, the Ladies Auxiliary was formed. In 1963 EYC’s newsletter “The Eastern Breeze” was started and the “Junior Fleet” was formed. In 1964 EYC had $5000 in its building fund.
In 1965 EYC rented Riley’s Yacht Inn and officially took over its operation. The membership had risen to 115 and the dues were raised to $25 per year. In 1968 the dues were raised to $40 per year and EYC moved to it’s current home at Rockaway Beach.
Marina Construction
In 1970 EYC was granted a special exception allowing for a yacht club marina. In 1971 the Rockaway Beach property was purchased.
In 1972 the current basin was dredged and bulkheads and piers were under construction. In 1973, 65 slips were completed and the clubhouse and bar were in full operation. In 1974 the southern stone jetty was constructed and the parking lot was surfaced.
In 1975, electric meters were installed for each of the slips. In 1977, a new bar was designed and constructed. In 1978, the cement ceremony pad in front of the clubhouse was constructed. In 1979, a kitchen was installed in the clubhouse.
Northern Jetty
In 1980, the northern jetty was constructed and EYC celebrated it’s 25th anniversary.
During the next 10 years, the house and grounds were maintained and a third pier was constructed.
New Clubhouse
In 1991, a mortgage burning ceremony was held at the club…we now owned the property free and clear.
On March 17, 1993 tragedy struck EYC. Our clubhouse burned to the ground.
By May of 1994, a new clubhouse was being built. Our new clubhouse was ready for occupancy by May of 1995, just in time for our Opening Weekend in June.
Tiki Hut
In 2003, the Tiki Hut was spruced up with new windows and doors, insulation, and air-conditioning.
In November of 2003, Isabel struck and destroyed B Pier as well as part of our bulkhead. Also, our pier electric meters and transformer were destroyed. By June of 2004, B pier had been re-built, and our pier electric restored and upgraded.
Also, in the spring of 2004, a members’ beach area complete with picnic tables and umbrellas was completed. The inside of the main clubhouse was also repainted during 2004, the main clubhouse bathroom access was remodeled to provide more useable hall space, and a deck was built around the Tiki Hut.
In 2005, the flooring in the Tiki Hut was replaced with a Pergo type of Hardwood look. Also, in 2005, the lower bath house and restroom were remodelled in time for the summer boating season. New heating plants and upgraded air-conditioning were also installed in the main clubhouse in 2005.
Drop down shutters were added to our small pavillion in 2005 to enable us to enclose it for the winter months. In Novenber of 2005, plantation columns were added to the overhang at the entrance to our clubhouse.
In April of 2006, the front bulkhead was replaced with a quarry stone bulkhead. In August of 2006, a Touch Screen Point of Sale system was installed in the Tiki Hut. Also, in August of 2006, EYC made Wireless Internet Access available at the club.
In 2007, 3 new HD Flat Screen Televisions were installed in the Tiki Bar. DirecTV Satelite service was also added. In 2008, a new HD Flat screen TV was installed in the Clubhouse.
In August of 2008, a new playground facility for children was installed, thanks to the benevolence of the EYC Gulls.
In November, 2008, the TIKI Bar ceiling was redone. The ceiling was insulated, a new heating/air conditioning unit was installed in the ceiling rafters, the ceiling was raised and dry walled, the old outside heat/ac unit was removed and the roof patched. New ceiling lights and fans were installed.
In 2010, the clubhouse tile was replaced with commercial, movable carpet and hardwood tiles. This enables relocating and sizing the dance floor depending on the hall configuration needs for an event. It also adds a more formal look to the hall and helps sound insulation.
In 2013, the clubhouse roof was repaired and shingles replaced on the clubhouse and a few other out-buildings.