Eastern Yacht Club offers event docking, regular and social memberships, and permanent, temporary, and daily slips.
For Event Dockage
Dockmaster: Dan Bentzen – 443-425-0093
Fleet Captain: Sharon Winterling – 410-299-7933
*VHF Channel 74 monitor during events*
Regular and Social Memberships
Regular Membership
Annual Fees: | One Time Fees: |
$600 Dues/Year | $300 Initiation (Non-Refundable) |
$240 POS Credits/Year | $300 Holding Corp Stock |
$150 or attend 3 sanctioned social events ($50/event) | $55 Gate Card |
$100 Pier Maintenance Fee |
Regular members are owners of the club and have a vote at annual Stockholder meeting/election. As regular members we are all required to complete service hours each month per month on work crews that perform club maintenance or to be assigned to one of the many committees we have. Regular members are required to attend 3 EYC ticketed events per year (or invoiced, see above “Annual Fees” section).
Members will receive a membership card that also serves as a debit card for Point of Sale. Point of Sale, POS, works like a debit card in the club house and Tiki Bar. When you join you will be billed in February, each year, for $240.00 that will go on your card. The card can be used as cash as long as POS Credits are available. The POS system is a “use it or lose it” system. At the end of the annual cycle (February 28) all credits left will be forfeited unless special circumstances are in place.

Social Membership
Annual Fees: | One Time Fees: |
$250 Dues/Year | $300 Initiation (Non-Refundable) |
$80 POS Credits/Year |
EYC’s year begins October 1. Invoices for annual dues are mailed around August 15 and due by October 1. Anyone joining after October is billed on a pro-rated basis for the remaining months in the next fiscal year* (October to September) i.e., annual dues divided by 12, times the remaining months of the fiscal year.
Invoices for Point of Sale Credits are only billed once a year for $80 for Social Members. Payment is due in October. Invoices sent to Social Members must be paid by the Due Date specified on the invoice.

Slip Fees
We have permanent Slips, temporary slips and daily slips.
Permanent slips are for Regular “A” members, temporary slips are available for members wishing a second slip, or when a new member joins Eastern. We also provide daily slips for visiting members of other Yacht Clubs and for non-members during our events. We have slips from 30 feet to 55 feet with electric and water hook ups. EYC also has a pump out station.
Permanent slips are acquired by seniority bid at Slip Night in September. For more information review in the membership area: Slip Bidding process
Permanent slip holders must have electric meter put in their name. Owner of boat must be the club member. Proof of ownership and insurance policy naming Eastern as “also notified” is required.
Boat must be seaworthy and must have a well-maintained appearance. An inspection is done on each boat in the basin before opening weekend each year and before a new boat is granted a permanent or temporary slip.
We have a dinghy rack with available slots and limited jet ski lifts.
Eastern also has several Motor Home Slips that follow the same bid process on Slip Day. Electric is billed by the club.